Monday, April 6, 2009


I love daffs. The smell reminds me of growing up near the Puyallup Valley and going to, and marching in the annual Daffodil Parade. These daffs have been blooming for about a month. But these that are in the same area, but just a little further east, just opened up in the last couple days.
This is the new flower bed on the opposite side from the sign. I just put it in last summer after we came here, and I like it better than the other one. Maybe i will make the other bigger so it matches more. There are also tulips planted here and I can't wait for them to start blooming.

Tomorrow is suppose to be our last nice day for a while and I wanted to get all the work done outside that I could today, and I am so stinkin tired tonight. I weeded a little bit out here, and then went to the back of the community by one of the guest parking area and trimmed some trees back and weeded getting ready for new bark. I have the company pick up and loaded the branches (pretty big ones) in to the the bed to haul over to the wooded area to get rid of. I was pulling them out pretty hard and a branch was caught under another one and when it let loose it cold conked me in the side of the head. Fortunately it hit my ear or I would probably have had a concussion. Well, maybe not, but it sure hurt.
So, being a glutton for punishment, after closing the office (which I wasn't in much today), and doing my deposits for the day, I was so tired I went in and layed down thinking I'd take just a quick little nap. I couldn't quit thinking about the deck that I had just a little bit more to paint, and I'd be done. So I went out and finished. Well, there are a few rails that have to be painted yet, but it is miniscule next to what I've already done. I should be able to get it done in about 10 minutes tomorrow. Then then there's the back deck! But it's quite small anyway. Maybe I'll make dh do it...haha.

Oh yes, while we were coming back from the bank I stopped at Lowe's and picked up a few lithodora and perenial salvia for the entrance beds. I'll put those in tomorrow. I love lithodora and put it in the last community we managed.


liannallama said...

oh, your garden is beautiful so all your hard work has been worth it! LOVE the daffodils!

Sue McGettigan said...

I love daffs too, they surprise me every year by coming up and blooming where i'd forgotten they were planted :) You've been so busy - bravo!

Godelieve said...

Beautiful spot with the daffodils!! They scream Spring!!