Hey, I'm here! I finally have my own blog! Actually, I had one and lost it... I have a bad habit of loosing things. Today I lost a key to a house for sale that I thought was the only key, but thank heavens I found the original. Now I just hope I don't loose that one. So, what do I do, and who am I? I'm a wife to David for 34 years this October; mother of three wonderful grown children; grandma to 10! 5 boys and 5 girls. After much prayer, I got one beautiful granddaughter in 1988. I wanted a granddaughter so badly. Then in 1989 I got my first grandson. What a delight he was, and is! Then came another boy, and another boy, another boy, and yet another boy. I was starting to get a little concerned that we were getting outnumbered here, even though they are all very precious to me. But I wanted more girls! Then my oldest daughter had a beautiful little girl, and my youngest followed with another precious girl. Aha! We're starting to catch up here. Then my oldest had another little girl, and the youngest followed with yet another beauty! Now, how could it be any better than to have five girls and five boys! The girls are all beautiful and delightful but the boys are very loving and sweet to their grandma.
I am a property manager and Close to My Heart independent consultant. I very much enjoy scrapbooking and making cards, gardening and taking pictures of my flowers. I also dabble in genealogy, having traced my family tree back to the 1500's.
I plan on posting some of my artwork here, along with some other things of interest. That is as soon as I figure out all the ins and outs of blogging.